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The exlibris (bookplate or book mark) is a special kind of applied graphics, which mark an belonging of the book to the concrete owner. Usually it pastes on the title page or inside of a cover (the flyleaf) of the book. Use of an exlibris - attribute of culture of the book. It uses and collects thousand of people.

The name "exlibris" comes from Latin words "ex libris", wich means " from the books... ". The composition of an ex-libris includes the text and image indicating the owner the books. It can be associative or decorative. It is possible to have not one, but a few different on associations of own exlibrises - depending on subjects of the book and its design.

As a rule exlibris were made in technique of an etching. First engraved an exlibris of Europe was a mark of Egler (around 1480)

As the development of computer engineering and means of reproduction have become possible to create exlibrises in the computer graphics. It has a number of advantages: from the electronic original, it is possible to make some copies and in case of necessity it is easy to make changes to it and it is much more convenient for keeping.

I also use computer graphics, but the original sketch I draw manually by ink, flomaster or pencil. I prefer a classical exlibris in the black-and-white graphics. It's more harmonic is combined with the book. Below I have placed some of my works. You also can see my virtual collection " Animals in an exlibris ".

My exlibris   Nelly's exlibris

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